I’m looking for 225 people who want to rapidly grow their newsletter in 30 days


Get access to the system I’ve used to generate 5,000,000+ high-quality newsletter subscribers and convert free subscribers into loyal customers

First off, I want to make something clear:

Newsletter Growth System is not a course.

  • It’s not a series of videos behind a paywall with cookie-cutter information you could have found for free online.

  • It’s not taught by a “guru” who makes more money “teaching” than actually doing the damn thing they teach.

Most courses suck.

But here’s the secret about courses…

  • A bad online course is a teacher stealing from you.

  • However, a wonderful online course is so valuable it's like you’re stealing from the teacher.

Courses and coaching have transformed my life and business.


I’ll explain…

I dropped out of college in 2016 to pursue digital marketing.

I had no choice but to create a curriculum for myself of courses and books on:

  • Sales

  • Design

  • Persuasion

  • Copywriting

  • Media buying

  • Digital marketing

  • And more

Investing <$5k into that alternative education was worth 1000 times more than a 4-year marketing degree.

The point is:

Most courses suck. But some don’t.

When I started working on Growth System 1+ year ago, I didn’t want to sell just another “information product”.

Instead, I wanted to help founders implement the information they need to grow their newsletters.

And that’s what I did.

In January 2024, the first Growth System cohort launched.

We did things differently:

  • I taught Growth System on live calls (with recordings).

  • We implemented the growth tactics together as a community.

  • My team and I shared personalized feedback with each student.

  • Students grew their newsletters DURING the course.

For example…

Nico created a front-end offer that’s bringing an extra $3k+/month of revenue into his business.

Rick learned new strategies and brought in hundreds of subscribers during the course.

Matt added 1000+ subscribers during the course and improved all his engagement metrics.

Beau said the value of Growth System is at least 100X the investment.

And 30 more students shared 5-star reviews of the program!

So you might be asking…

What exactly is the Newsletter Growth System, and how will it help me grow my business?

Here’s how it works:

Growth System is a 4-week cohort-based course that will rapidly grow your newsletter with engaged subscribers and convert those subscribers into customers for any product or service.

Inside, you’ll learn ALL the tactics we’ve used to drive 5,000,000+ newsletter subscribers and $15,000,000+ in product sales for clients like:

  • 1440

  • Chartr

  • Bankless

  • The GIST

  • Milk Road

  • The Hustle

  • Sahil Bloom

  • James Clear

  • Football Guys

  • The Rundown

  • The Pour Over

  • Codie Sanchez

  • And many more

Growth System is the result of 5 years of first-hand experience, hundreds of client calls, millions in ad spend, and thousands of growth experiments.

Nothing is held back.

It’s the only newsletter growth program with:

  • Breakdowns of battle-tested tactics

  • Access to expert mentors and coaches

  • 150+ real-world examples, templates, case studies, and experiments from 7 and 8-figure newsletters

I've aggregated 5+ years of expertise, proven methods, and actionable tactics into the ultimate immersive course for newsletter growth.

You’ll get access to:

  • 10+ live video sessions (with recordings, slides, and transcripts)

  • 150+ templates and examples

  • Community of newsletter founders

  • Coaching, feedback, and support from me and GrowLetter’s team

  • And much more...

Today, I’m opening enrollment to the public.

But there’s a catch:

To join Growth System you must be willing to take massive action

Unlike other courses, in Growth System, you won't learn passively.

Instead, you'll execute growth tactics with direct feedback from me and my team and support from our community.

You’ll grow your newsletter DURING the course, get expert coaching, network with other founders, and leave with the roadmap to scale your newsletter to millions of subscribers.

If you're ready to grow and interested in learning more, go here:

I hope you'll consider joining us!

— Matt McGarry

P.S. I’m keeping the cohort small so I can give feedback and coaching to each student.

Growth System is limited to 300 students, and there are currently <225 spots left.

These spots will go fast. The last cohort sold out in 4 days.

P.P.S. I’m hosting a live training on Tuesday that teaches 4 strategies inside Growth System. If you want a sneak peek inside the course, RSVP here.

I’ll do 15 minutes of Q&A after the training to answer any of your questions.


or to participate.