Note: Enrollment is closed.

After Driving 5,000,000+ Subscribers, I’m Revealing How To Supercharge Your Newsletter Growth In 30 Days  

Hey, it’s Matt.

If you’re a media founder, newsletter operator, or creator — this might be the most important piece of advice you’ll ever receive:

Stop renting your audience. Learn how to become a landlord. 

If you’re creating content on LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, or any other social platform – you’re building your audience on rented land. 

Zuck, Elon, or even a low-level employee at one of these “apps” can pull the plug on your account anytime. 

You can get banned or shadow-banned even if you did nothing “wrong.” Thousands of accounts are removed by accident every day. 

However, what’s more likely to hurt you is the inevitable algorithm change.

Algorithm changes in the 2010s and 2020s have killed more businesses than any recession. 

Look at what happened to BuzzFeed. 

One simple algorithm update can kill your reach

Less reach means less traffic, fewer subscribers, and way fewer customers. 

I’ve seen it happen. I’ve talked with dozens of founders who have more followers than ever – but their content on social media reaches fewer people than ever before. 

This is one of the many reasons to stop building your audience on rented land.

That said…

Even if a ban or algorithm change hasn’t happened to you yet — you have to stay on the content treadmill to keep reaching the audience you’ve “built” on these platforms.

Posting on social media 1-3x per day is hard – and lame. 

Constant posting creates more noise and distracts you from actually growing your business. 

Likes ain’t cash. 

But what if I told you there’s a platform you can use to own your audience

A platform where algorithms can’t get in the way of your message and audience…

A platform that’s been around for over 43 years – has 4.26 billion users – and is still growing by over 3% per year!

You guessed it… That platform is email. 

Email newsletters are the best way to own your audience, build influence, and grow your business. 

There’s no other platform like it. 

And there’s no other audience as valuable as an engaged email audience. 

So, how do you grow your email audience?

That is exactly what I’ve been obsessing over, studying, and doing for the last 5 years

I started my first newsletter in 2018. I made every mistake in the book and shut it down a few months later.

In 2020, I got a job at The Hustle to lead newsletter growth. We grew to 2.5M+ subscribers and were acquired by HubSpot for $27M.

I was the first hire at Milk Road in January 2022. In 10 months, we grew to 250k+ subscribers and were acquired for 7 figures. 

In May 2022, I landed Codie Sanchez as a client. In 14 months, she’s grown from 120,000 subscribers to 500,000+. 

I landed Sahil Bloom as a client in December 2022. In 12 months, he’s grown from 175,000 subscribers to 605,000+.

In 2023, my agency GrowLetter helped clients like Chartr, 1440, James Clear, The Rundown, Bankless, The Pour Over, Football Guys, and many more add 5,000,000+ newsletter subscribers. 

You get the idea. The point is…

I know the strategies, tactics, and secrets that will grow your newsletter because my team and I created and implemented the best newsletters.

And most importantly…

Newsletter Growth System reveals all of them. 

Growth System is the product of 5 years of research, hundreds of client calls, millions in ad spend, and years of first-hand experience.

There is nothing on the market like this. 

This is the most in-depth course on newsletter growth. 

It’s the only course that:

  • Breakdowns battle-tested tactics

  • Gives you access to expert mentors and coaches

  • Has 150+ real-world examples, templates, and experiments from 7 and 8-figure newsletters

If you want to build an owned email audience in 2024. 

If you want to escape the algorithm and the content treadmill. 

If you want to scale your newsletter and sell more courses, memberships, coaching, and sponsorships.

Growth System is for you.

100% money-back guarantee

I want your Growth System investment to be 100% risk-free.

If you complete the course materials and find the course isn't for you within 30 days, I will refund 100% of your investment.

And if you find that your schedule is busier than you thought after enrolling, I will roll you forward into a future cohort at no additional cost.

However, part of what makes Growth System work is financial accountability. If you do not engage with the course materials, this does not qualify for a refund.

I’m excited to help you grow your newsletter in 2024!

I hope to see you inside soon.

P.S. Everything you need to know about Growth System is on this page. Read the copy below to learn how this course will help you scale your newsletter.

What Is Growth System?

Newsletter Growth System is a 4 week cohort-based course that teaches the most effective growth tactics step-by-step, with templates, case studies, and examples.

But unlike other courses, you won't learn passively.

Instead, you'll execute these growth tactics with direct support and feedback from me and my team.

You’ll grow your newsletter during the course.

Plus, you’ll get expert coaching and feedback, build a network of other founders, and leave with the roadmap to scale your newsletter to millions of subscribers.

Inside Growth System, I’m revealing the exact tactics we’ve used to drive 5,000,000+ newsletter subscribers and $15,000,000+ in product sales for clients like:

1440, Milk Road, The Hustle, Chartr, James Clear, Sahil Bloom, Codie Sanchez, The Rundown, Bankless, The Pour Over, WorkWeek, and many more top media companies and creators.

Everything You Need To Grow Your Newsletter With Engaged Subscribers and Convert Them Into Customers

No fluff. No BS. No basic information. Nothing held back.

This course reveals all the tactics that are working right now for newsletters with 100k+ to 3M+ subscribers.

You’ll get templates, examples, coaching, and feedback to help you easily use these tactics to attract more subscribers and customers.

Even if you’ve never successfully grown your newsletter before… Or if you don’t have any experience with growth marketing…

Growth System will help you grow fast.

We’ve created a turnkey system that can grow ANY newsletter.

As long as your newsletter has a niche and good content – these tactics will get you more engaged subscribers.

Growth System Is Limited To Only 300 Students – Here’s Why

We’re keeping the course small so we can give feedback and coaching to every student.

This is why Growth System works. It’s NOT just a course.

You get coaching, feedback, accountability, and community to ensure you reach your goals.

You’ll get direct support and feedback from me (Matt McGarry) and other expert coaches. The coaches and other students will be holding you accountable to reach your growth goals.

Plus, you’ll get to meet and network with a community of media founders and creators. Growth System is an awesome place to meet friends, mentors, and business partners.

Here’s What’s Inside Growth System: The Instruction Manual For a 1M+ Subscriber  Newsletter 

Course Overview, Curriculum, and Schedule

Course dates: May 27th, 2024 - June 21st, 2024

All live sessions are recorded with full session recordings, transcripts, detailed show notes, slides, and clips of the most important parts for those who can't attend live.

If you can’t attend live, that’s okay! This course is designed to be taken live or asynchronously.

Week 1: Sign-Up Flow — How to convert traffic into engaged readers, collect 1st party data, and immediately generate revenue from new sign-ups.

  • Session #0: Orientation and kick-off call (Monday, 5/27)

  • Live Session #1: How to build a perfect landing page, survey, thank you page, and welcome email (Tuesday, 5/28 at 12 pm EST)

  • Live Session #2: Sign-up flow advanced tactics and feedback (Friday, 5/31 at 12 pm EST)

Week 2: Social Growth — How to grow your audience and newsletter organically with social media WITHOUT creating new content every day …even if you have no social following right now.

  • Live Session #3: Social growth flywheel, content strategy, how to repurpose, build a content calendar, and automate growth (Tuesday, 6/4 at 12 pm EST)

  • Live Session #4: Social growth advanced tactics and feedback (Friday, 6/7 at 12 pm EST)

Week 3: Paid Acquisition — How to use paid ads to get subscribers and customers — measure and generate a return on ad spend (ROAS) — even if you have a small budget.

  • Live Session #5: Best paid growth channels, Meta ads guide, how to build, manage, optimize, fix, and scale ad campaigns (Tuesday, 6/11 at 12 pm EST)

  • Live Session #6: How to make ad creative, advanced paid ads tactics, and feedback (Friday, 6/14 at 12 pm EST)

Week 4: Email Marketing and Automation — How to use automated email marketing to convert subscribers into customers and make money while you sleep. No technical knowledge or setup is required.

  • Live Session #7: How to use email marketing, 4 types of email sequences, welcome sequences step-by-step guide and set up (Tuesday, 6/18 at 12 pm EST)

  • Live Session #8: Sales, win-back, and trigger sequences step-by-step guide and set up, advanced email tactics, and feedback (Friday, 6/21 at 12 pm EST)

  • Live Session #9: Graduation and next steps (Monday, 6/24 at 12 pm EST)

Bonus Curriculum

  • How to design your newsletter and min-max beehiiv

  • How to grow with referral programs and referral giveaways

  • How to grow with recommendations, cross-promotions, and partner giveaways

Live Expert Guest Sessions

  • Brad Wolverton: How to write great newsletters and create habit-forming content (Presentation and AMA)

  • Katy Huff: How to sell sponsorships - even if you have a small newsletter audience or have never sold an ad before (Presentation and AMA)

Here's What You Unlock When You Join

1) 8 Live, 90-minute Curriculum Sessions Teaching The Growth Strategies and Tactics 

Our 60 to 90 minute live sessions are the foundation of Growth System.

These aren't your normal boring Zoom calls. These are immersive learning experiences you will wake up thrilled to attend. We pack more golden nuggets into these sessions than other growth courses have in their entire curriculum.

You'll leave with all the knowledge you need to execute the growth tactics and motivation and energy to make progress. 

And no worries if you miss the live sessions – there are detailed show notes with replays, clips, chat transcripts, slides, and more.

2) Over 150 Templates and Examples That Make It Easy To Grow Your Newsletter

You won’t just learn how to grow – you’ll get fill-in-the-blank templates for each growth tactic that make getting more subscribers and customers easy.

There are templates for your:

Landing page, thank you page, welcome email, email sequences, social posts, social profiles, website copy, Meta image ads, Meta video ads, video scripts, motion graphic ads, Twitter ads, ad copy, referral program, giveaways, cross-promotions, and much more. 

Plus, you’ll get access to our swipe file with 100+ examples of how other newsletters use these growth tactics and strategies so you never run out of inspiration. 

3) LIFETIME Access To Session Recordings With Detailed Show Notes, Resources, and Transcripts. Plus, All The Templates and Examples

All the course materials are yours forever. 

As you continue your growth journey, you’ll refer back to videos, notes, templates, and examples for months after the course. 

Growth System will be a resource that will help you and your team for years to come. 

4) An Immersive Community of Fellow Newsletter Operators, Media Founders, and Creators 

The last and best part of what you'll unlock is our community.

Nowhere else on the internet will you find a group of people from every country, demographic, time zone, background, interest, age, and perspective — all with the same goal – to build a massive newsletter business. 

You’ll get the chance to meet as many others in the community as you'd like.

Our community is an amazing place to meet new friends, mentors, cross-promotions, and business partners. 

5) Coaching, Feedback, and Support From Matt and Expert Coaches From GrowLetter

You’ll get direct support and feedback from me and my team on all your work.

We’re here to answer all of your questions. Hold you accountable. And ensure you’re properly executing the growth system so you can get more subscribers and customers.

What Growth System Students Are Saying…

Frequently Asked Questions

  • How much does this cost? Other courses charge upwards of $5,000 to help you grow. However, our goal with Growth System is to keep it accessible while still charging enough to keep you accountable. The full price of the course is $997.

  • Who is this for? This is NOT for people “interested” in starting a newsletter or looking for a niche. To join, you should have a live newsletter with 100+ subscribers. This course is all about growth. If you don’t have a newsletter, do not enroll. We will not cover topics like “how to find a niche” or “how to create newsletter content.”

  • What's the time commitment? You’ll need 2 hours to attend the 2 live sessions per week and 2-3 hours to execute the growth tactics (~4-6 per week total)

  • How long do I have access to the course materials? You will have access to the course materials FOREVER. This includes all live sessions, video materials, templates, and swipe files.

  • Do I need to use a specific newsletter tool? I highly recommend beehiiv. The tutorials will be focused on beehiiv. We won’t have time to cover tech setup for other platforms. If you use another platform that’s totally fine. Just make sure you know it well.

  • Do I need a budget to invest in paid ads? No, but it’s a plus. We’re spending a week in the course on paid growth. If you want to test ads you’ll need a minimum budget of $500-$1000 for ads.

  • Couldn't I just do this myself with all of the free content out there? Well... you could. And I encourage you to try it. Read my 60+ free guides on newsletter growth. If that works for you, that’s great! But chances are, you've tried growth on your own before. And between the hours it would take you to aggregate all of the free stuff and the headaches, you would have testing to see what works… The $997 is well worth the investment. 

  • Can this really work for me? You might be thinking... sure this works for other people. But my situation is unique. I can assure you that over the past 4 years, I’ve helped 50+ newsletters grow. No matter your background, experience, goals, or circumstances, the Newsletter Growth System will help you.

  • What if I'm not tech-savvy? You're not alone. We have members of every age, background, and experience level. In the course, I’ll teach how to do all the technical setup for beehiiv newsletters. However, if you don’t use beehiiv you must know your newsletter platform well. We don’t have time to cover instructions for every ESP.

  • What if I can't attend the live sessions? That’s okay. We record each session and distribute it with detailed show notes, session transcripts, chat transcripts, and everything else you need. This course is designed to be taken live or asynchronously.

  • Will this help if I already have a large newsletter? Yes, in fact, you’ll have an advantage. Many of the tactics work even better if you have a large newsletter. 

  • How many newsletter subscribers do I need to join? Not many. I recommend you have 100+ subscribers and a 40%+ open rate before enrolling. This course is all about growth. If you don’t have good newsletter content, you should work on that before you invest in growth. 

  • Why is this page so ugly? I’m spending all my time creating an amazing course. I’m not using fancy pages or marketing tactics for this course. Instead, I plan to sell the 300 spots to people who are already familiar with my work and don’t need a well-designed sales page or funnel to buy from me.

  • What if I have more questions? Send me an email: [email protected] I’ll get back to you soon.

100% Moneyback Guarantee

There is a 100% no-questions-asked refund and rollover policy if you have completed the required course materials within 30 days

I want your Growth System investment to be 100% risk-free.

If you complete the course materials and find the course isn't for you within 30 days, I will refund 100% of your investment.

If you find that your schedule is busier than you thought after enrolling, I will enroll you in a future cohort at no additional cost.

Join The Newsletter Growth System Today — There Are <150 Spots Available

Access the system, strategies, tactics, examples, templates, coaches, and community you need to scale your newsletter.

Click below to join before enrollment closes:

What Newsletter Founders and Operators Are Saying

Get Access To The Instruction Manual For a 1M+ Subscriber  Newsletter 

Access the system, strategies, tactics, examples, templates, coaches, and community you need to scale your newsletter.